Maha Ganapathim.....
Just love that song man.. Heh..
Ok, so its been awhile since I updated this site eh? Haha.. Yeah, well I've finally found a reason to blog right about now..
Well, to those who have been awaiting a post (I only know of my Dadaam doing that..), here's my long overdue entry..
An Offering..
IT'S FINALLY OUT!!! Countless Saturday nights burned due to recording, Mixing 'Adventures', Designing the CD (Credit to Viggy. Man, nee oru Adobe Wizard la.. Haha) and add to that, practices which were really productive. Not forgetting the usual Talk-cock sessions at Brindha's and the coffeeshop below the studio, with our beloved Mentors in Music..
And of course, to Him, for without His Grace, all of this would not have been possible..
Of course, this isn't the end. It is only the Beginning..
So until then, hope you enjoy our music..
Much Love..
PS If you guys wanna copy, gimme a buzz. Its ten per cd..