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light up my rainbow

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Best of India...

Right, I have been planning to do this entry for a looooong time.. Somehow, the inspiration came today. So here goes (dedicated to those clowns who aren't on Facebook. tsk tsk)..

Sun rise at Pune.. On our way to Pawan Khind (hills).

That famous crash at Pune.. Haha, will never forget it..
PS Brakes in India do fail..

Ticket to Zakir Hussain's Tribute to Bangalore.. The boys sure as hell, were green with envy..
Outside St Philomena Church, Mysore..
Mysore Palace, with a flowery touch.. A dream finally realized..

Brindavan Gardens, Mysore.. With the KRJ Dam in the background..

Shivarathri.. Right 'home' in Bangalore..

GOAAA!!! Dark clouds on Holy Saturday..
The Gang, minus Derrick and me (duh, I was taking the shot!)..
Sunset at Goa.. One of my best shots to date..

Outside Chennai Central Station...

At Mahabalipuram.. Scintillating Architecture..

The sea-shore temple that withstood the devastating Tsunami in 2004...

Outside Kabaaleeshwarar Temple at Mylapore, Chennai..

Jay(my supervisor) and Ken outside the Chinnaswamy Stadium at Bangalore..

Bangalore Royal Challengers vs Deccan Chargers.. Good thing they won their first match at home with us screaming our lungs out!!

Whilst shopping for mangoes at Yelahanka, Bangalore..

At Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore.. You pretty much get the picture here, so to speak..

Just beautiful, God's creations...

At Sivanasamudra Falls, Sivanasamudram..
The picture that made us Poster Boys in NTU.. Haha..

At Talakad.. This place, is amazing.. Believed to be cursed by a Queen in the 12th century, this entire place is filled with sand.. And the structure you see in front of you was uncovered just a few years back.. More archaeological discoveries are still being made..

At Somanathapur.. The same location where Rajni shot his title song for the movie, Arunachalam..

An intricate Hoysala sculpture of Narasimha..

The Big Temple at Tanjore..

Back to my roots.. The stream outside my native village..

And of course, the reason why I missed my train at Tanjore.. A game of carom with Aisha and Irfan..

My colleagues get into the carom fever during my second trip to Goa...

Pretty much how I set up at my place in Bangalore.. Pasta, tomato soup, chicken cheese sticks, a bottle of Pepsi and catching The Office on my laptop..

Our very own local cuisine, at Kenneth's uncle's place.. Trust me, it was one meal that kept us going..

And of course, the picture that won me Third Prize at the Quirks of Life competition held by NTU...

Guess that's about it.. Have fun kids!!!

10:40 AM

supernova lit up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

(The following has no intended target whatsoever. Just a reflection of my thoughts and stuff. I do know, that probably 6 months down the road, when I read this entry again, I might just laugh it off.)

Relationships, can be quite a sham, sadly. I only realized it over the recent events that have taken place around me. Now, I've always had this dream of having a gal whom I'd fall in love over and over and over again. And maybe, settle down, have our own little brood and grow old together. Hey, sue me if you think it ain't 'manly' to think that way.

That said, I guess the ones that end up with questions are the 'dumped' ones. Trust me, been on both sides of the see-saw and have felt those effects more than once. But why is it difficult at times, to try to come out of your way to understand your partner?? Its simple..


The very fact that it just detracts you can end up making your relationship a disaster. That said, there are those who end up taking advantage of the niceness one displays. And then there are those, who have some sick game which I would put it similar to pretending to throw that ball for your dog to fetch, only to see him run the length and realize that he had been cheated. Then why friggin' get in a relationship? I wonder.. The fact that you get pampered and loved?? And when you feel it's going wrong, you just call the easy way out??

To me, entering a relationship ain't a game. It's a commitment. I'd go to all lengths to salvage it if there's a problem (unless if its a trust issue). That is the kinda person that I am.

Oh well, one thing's for sure. My faith in relationships have just gone kaput with this post, and lest God decides to prove me otherwise, I'm pretty sure I'd remain unstuck with this decision. That said, being single means being able to look around, have fun.

And that's sthg I've never had for awhile now.. Not at least for the year 2008 yet.. =)

11:07 AM

supernova lit up.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Hahah, actually i dun have much to blog about.. Yet.. Although stuff around me has been a huge whirlwind of late, I am doing my best to weather the storm. Right, maybe not so much, but I owe it all to a previous experience from which I am drawing my strength from..

So till next time, have a gd one!


12:19 PM

supernova lit up.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Lord, Don't Slow me Down...

Finally, I am able to access the blogger site. See, I have been trying to blog for the last one month, but whenever I enter the 'Create Post' page, my IE just shuts off. Guess its gone, for now.. Bloody spywares..

Anihoo, its November. Bloody November, the one month this year that will stretch me to my inelastic limits. It is at this time, when I will have to turn to God, and seek Him for Guidance and Grace. So here goes..


In some ways, I miss how things were this time last year. When my points of focus were quite simply my studies, my girl and myself. Life was just so much, simpler. I even had time for myself, and could even afford to hit the gym and stuff.

Then came the call in January. To work on an album, which quite simply, was too appealing not to miss. It was also during this time, that I probably started enjoying grooving to music even more, and learnt to appreciate my guitar even more. In a year, we can safely say that we had covered so much more ground than other bands with similar aspirations (with no disrespect at all to these talented bunch). I guess it is your Divine work, to put us where we are right now, and most definitely, we will strive forward to seize the day.

Add to our musical aspirations, is my academic work. Akhil was right at the beginning of the semester, this was gonna be the busiest sem to date. Quite honestly, I have lost count on the number of tutorials that I am lagging behind by, and the only way to catch up with work, would be mugging for an upcoming quiz. Argh, and now, with a week to spare to the exams, all I have is an organized mess of notes, tutorials and solutions on my desk. Haha, and to add stress, I have a gig coming up on the 25th. Thanks though, for the wonderful people who understand the constraints I am in, and have allowed me to play a bit part in this project.

Then, there is the girl. Haha, sometimes, I just feel that I am just so stretched that I haven't really managed to spend quality time with her (even if we meet in school, that is, if I go - usually if I ain't in school, I'm probably catching up on a tutorial or 2). I really do hope that once November is done, I can look forward to spending lots of time with her, at least before Jan, when I make my trip into the beyond.. =)

And there's Deepavali. I guess the only times I have celebrated Deepavali decently, were in 2001, 2003 and 2004. And yes, You guessed it right, 01 was my Promos year in JC, and 03 and 04 were my years in NS. So here I am facing the prospect, of celebrating my favorite festival at school, buried in 'Concrete' and 'Steel' Designs..

Nonetheless, God, I do pray for your Guidance and Grace, and take me through this tough period. And also for those who are sitting in a similar situation as yours truly..

Lord, Don't Slow me Down..

Much Love,


10:17 AM

supernova lit up.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This is the toughest semester, to date..

Oh well, at least there are some good things to look forward to in the next few mths though..

Right, back to my usual clockwork routine (study, surf, watch anime/tv shows, play guitar, chill with the Gf)..

Have a blast! =)

9:45 AM

supernova lit up.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Maha Ganapathim.....

Just love that song man.. Heh..

4:42 AM

supernova lit up.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ok, so its been awhile since I updated this site eh? Haha.. Yeah, well I've finally found a reason to blog right about now..

Well, to those who have been awaiting a post (I only know of my Dadaam doing that..), here's my long overdue entry..

An Offering..


Countless Saturday nights burned due to recording, Mixing 'Adventures', Designing the CD (Credit to Viggy. Man, nee oru Adobe Wizard la.. Haha) and add to that, practices which were really productive. Not forgetting the usual Talk-cock sessions at Brindha's and the coffeeshop below the studio, with our beloved Mentors in Music..

And of course, to Him, for without His Grace, all of this would not have been possible..

Of course, this isn't the end. It is only the Beginning..

So until then, hope you enjoy our music..

Much Love..

PS If you guys wanna copy, gimme a buzz. Its ten per cd..


12:28 PM

supernova lit up.


#1 love: his guitar
#2 love: his kuttis
#1 hate: kway teows
#2 hate: cuckoos

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the highpriestess
monsieur aaron
desker rocker
tanya ling
tassha lee
denise the wari
aunty nithiya


The Shock Of The Lightning - Oasis

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